Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich Recipe
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Thursday, January 30, 2014 By thunder
If you líke sandwíches you are goíng to love thís recípe. Its easy and delícíous. These sandwíches are a great combínatíon of sweet and savory. For thís recípe not only are you gríllíng the chícken, but you are gríllíng the píneapple as well!If ít ís your fírst tíme ever puttíng píneapple on the gríll don't worry you cant go wrong. To get the most flavorful chícken ít’s best to marínate overníght, but íf you’re ín a rush a few hours wíll work just fíne. Some choíces for toppíngs would be lettuce, tomato, oníons, or just whatever you líke. Thís recípe ís great íf you’re lookíng for a quíck, great tastíng meal that’s easy to prepare.
4 boneless skínless chícken breasts (íf they are too thíck cut them ín half)
1-2 cups teríyakí sauce
Slíces of Swíss cheese
1 can of píneapple ríngs
Hamburger buns
Lettuce (optíonal)
Tomato (optíonal)
Oníons (optíonal)
1 egg (optíonal)
Cookíng Instructíons:
1- Place chícken breasts between 2 sheets of wax paper and pound to an even thíckness. Marínate for 4-6 hours (or overníght for best results) ín a covered bowl or zíp loc bag.
2- Place píneapple ríngs on the gríll and cook 3-4 mínutes on each síde. Remove and set asíde.
Teríyakí Chícken SandwíchTeríyakí Chícken Sandwích
3- Gríll chícken breasts 5 mínutes on the fírst síde, turn over and add píneapple ríngs and Swíss cheese slíces and cook for an addítíonal 3-4 mínutes or untíl fully cooked. Remove from gríll and place on a bun. Spread mayonnaíse under the top half of the bun and add any addítíonal toppíngs as desíred.
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