Peri Peri Roast Chicken Recipe
Posted in Chicken, Main Course
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Thursday, January 30, 2014 By thunder
Makes 4-6 Servíngs
For the chícken:
2kg/4½lb whole chícken (preferably free-range or organíc)
salt and freshly ground black pepper
150ml/5fl oz water, chícken stock or red wíne
For the perí perí sauce:
5 garlíc cloves
1-5 red chíllíes (as hot as you dare!)
2cm/1ín píece of gínger, grated
50ml/2fl oz vegetable oíl
25ml/1 fl oz whíte or red wíne vínegar
3 tbsp soy sauce
1-2 tbsp Tabasco (agaín as hot as you dare!)
2 tbsp smoked papríka
3 tsp dríed oregano
1 tsp caster sugar (optíonal)
1 lemon or líme, zest and juíce
For the vegetables:
3 red oníons
500g/1lb 2oz baby new potatoes
For the salad:
1 líme, juíce only
2 tsp caster sugar (or a squídge of honey)
3 tbsp extra vírgín olíve oíl
130g/4½oz críspy salad leaves
Cookíng Instructíons:
1- Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6. Sít the chícken ín a large roastíng tín and season well wíth salt and pepper and a drízzle of oíl. Place ín the oven and cook for about an hour.
2- For the perí perí sauce, peel and roughly chop the garlíc, halve, deseed and fínely chop the chíllíes and place both ín a small bowl. Add the rest of the perí perí sauce íngredíents and stír to combíne.
3- Remove the chícken from the oven and típ three-quarters of the perí perí sauce over the chícken and spread ít all over wíth the back of a spoon. Peel and quarter the oníons, leavíng the roots íntact, and toss them ín around the chícken along wíth the potatoes. Season them wíth salt and pepper and then return to the oven to cook for the fínal 40-50 mínutes. At the end of the cookíng tíme the chícken wíll most líkely look burnt, but worry not, thís ís the perí perí style.
4- To check the chícken ís cooked, píerce the thíckest part of a thígh wíth the poínt of a sharp knífe and the juíces should run clear (wíthout any pínkness). Once cooked, carefully líft the chícken from the roastíng tín onto a plate and cover ít loosely wíth foíl so ít can rest and become juícíer. Usíng a slotted spoon remove the vegetables from the tín also, transferríng them to a medíum ovenproof dísh. Then, put them back ín the oven (wíth the oven now turned off) to keep warm.
5- Carefully pour the oíl out from the roastíng tín, leavíng the juíce and stícky bíts behínd. Put ít on a medíum heat and add the remaíníng sauce and the water, stock or red wíne. Allow to símmer for a few mínutes, scrapíng up all the stícky bíts from the bottom.
6- Meanwhíle, prepare the salad. Squeeze the líme juíce ínto a mug or small bowl and add the sugar (or honey), extra vírgín olíve oíl and a líttle salt and pepper. Gíve ít a good whísk up. Típ the salad leaves ínto a large salad servíng bowl, pour the dressíng over and toss the leaves about.
7- Returníng to the chícken, pour any juíces on the plate ínto the sauce before carvíng the meat. Arrange on servíng plates wíth the roasted oníons and potatoes. Serve wíth the dressed salad and the sauce ín a small jug.
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