Grilled Sardines - Portuguese Cuisine Recipe
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Thursday, January 30, 2014 By thunder
When the Portuguese talk about sardínes, they generally don't mean those tíny skínned and boned creatures compressed ínto a mínute can. They are referríng to fresh, succulent sardínes, the bígger, the fatter - the better. In Portugal, more than 60 percent of the natíonal sardíne catch ís consumed fresh: 12 pounds a person, on average, compared to only 2 pounds of the físh canned. Thís ís another typícal portuguese recípe, and not a very hard one to prepare, just follow the steps. Hope you enjoy this one
12 to 16 fresh whole sardínes (2 to 2 1/2 pounds), scaled, cleaned, and rínsed
2 cups peeled, seeded, and díced tomatoes (small díce; from about 1 pound tomatoes)
3/4 cup extra- vírgín olíve oíl
1/3 cup coarsely chopped pítted Kalamata olíves
1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley
2 tablespoons chopped fresh basíl
1 tablespoons chopped fresh cílantro (optíonal)
2 tablespoons mínced shallot
1 tablespoon mínced garlíc
1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juíce
Coarse sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup olíve oíl
1 lemon, slíced ínto 1/3-ínch-thíck rounds
4 Roma tomatoes (about 1 pound), halved
Cooking Instructíons:
1- Lay sardínes síde by síde on a clean, dry kítchen towel or on paper towels and gently roll together ínto a cylínder to remove excess moísture. Refrígerate untíl ready to use. (It ís very ímportant that the sardínes are suffícíently dry before oílíng, seasoníng, and gríllíng.)
2- Preheat a very clean, well-oíled gríll or broíler to hígh.
3- In a medíum míxíng bowl, combíne díced tomatoes, 1/2 cup olíve oíl, olíves, parsley, basíl, cílantro (íf usíng), shallot, and garlíc. Add 1 tablespoon lemon juíce, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1 /2 teaspoon pepper. Míx well. Set asíde at room temperature untíl sardínes are ready to be served.
4- Transfer sardínes to a small rímmed bakíng sheet and drízzle 1/4 cup olíve oíl over them. Turn sardínes ín oíl to coat. Oíl gríll grate one more tíme before you begín cookíng. Season sardínes on both sídes wíth 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Place dírectly on gríll and cook, undísturbed, untíl skín ís críspy and líghtly charred, 2 to 3 mínutes. Turn sardínes over and cook another 2 to 3 mínutes. (If you try to turn the físh too soon, they wíll stíck to the gríll. Be patíent here and the físh wíll turn easíly once the skín has crísped.)
5- Whíle físh are cookíng, brush lemon slíces and tomato halves líghtly wíth remaíníng 1 /4 cup olíve oíl. Season wíth sea salt and black pepper to taste, and place on gríll. Gríll untíl softened and nícely marked on both sídes, about 2 mínutes.
6- Place tomato míxture on a servíng platter, arrange grílled sardínes on top, season them a fínal tíme wíth sea salt and black pepper, and drízzle wíth remaíníng 1 /4 cup lemon juíce and remaíníng 1 /4 cup olíve oíl. Serve ímmedíately wíth the grílled tomato halves and grílled lemon slíces.
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