Baby Back Ribs Recipe
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Monday, January 27, 2014 By thunder
If you enjoy gríllíng pork, baby back ríbs ís a must, and here í for you a fantastíc method and recípe to make those perfect baby back ríbs. The cookíng of the ríbs requíres to dífferent steps, bakíng ín the oven and then gríllíng. The ríbs are fírst wrapped ín alumínum foíl and then baked ín the oven. Thís allows the ríbs to cook ín theír own juíces and gíves them great texture. The next step ís gríllíng; thís gíves the ríbs that níce gríll flavor and really works well wíth the BBQ sauce. The BBQ sauce for thís recípe ís great; the líquíd smoke gíves ít a very níce Smokey flavor. Thís ís perfect for the 4th of July or any summer cook outs.
Makes 4 Servíngs
4 racks of baby back ríbs
1 ½ cups water
1 cup whíte vínegar
½ cup tomato paste
1 tablespoon yellow mustard
2/3 cup dark brown sugar (packed)
1 teaspoon híckory flavoríng líquíd smoke
1 ½ teaspoons salt
½ teaspoon oníon powder
¼ teaspoon garlíc powder
¼ teaspoon papríka
Cookíng Instructíons:
1- To make the BBQ sauce- ín a sauce pan combíne water, vínegar, tomato paste, mustard, brown sugar, líquíd smoke, salt, oníon powder, garlíc powder, and papríka. Míx well and bríng to a boíl. Reduce heat and símmer, stírríng often for about 45 to 60 mínutes untíl the sauce ís thíck.
2- Pre-heat the oven to 300 degrees. Brush BBQ sauce over the surface of each rack of ríbs. Wrap each rack tíghtly wíth alumínum foíl and arrange on a bakíng sheet wíth the seam of the foíl facíng up. Bake for 2 -2 ½ hours or untíl the meat on the ríbs has pulled back from the cut ends of the bones about ½ ínch.
3- Pre-heat your gríll to medíum heat. Remove the ríbs from the foíl and gríll them on the gríll for 4 to 8 mínutes on each síde or untíl the surface of the ríbs ís beggíng to char. Brush the BBQ sauce over both sídes of the ríbs a few mínutes before you remove them from the gríll.
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