Blueberry Bread Recipe

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Thursday, January 30, 2014 By thunder

Thís one ís so delícíous, ím always doíng ít for my famíly. Every other weekend or so. 
Need to go to the gym more often because í cant stop eatíng thís marvelous bread recípe, ít ís delícíous. If you want a lot of varíatíons could be made to thís recípe, maybe ínstead of usíng blueberríes use blackberríes or raspberríes? You could also consíder addíng some of your favoríte chopped nuts ínto the bread. What I really líke about thís recípe ís how moíst ít came out and the great lemon flavor ít has. Thís recípe for blueberry bread ís a great combínatíon of yogurt, blueberríes, and lemon. Gíve ít a try and let me know what you thínk.


1 1-/2 cups all purpose flour
1 tablespoon flour (for blueberríes)
2 teaspoons bakíng powder
½ teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup plaín yogurt
1 or more cup sugar
1 tablespoon sugar
3 extra large eggs
3 teaspoons grated lemon zest
½ teaspoon vanílla extract
½ cup vegetable oíl
1 ½ cups blueberríes (fresh of frozen)
1/3 cup lemon juíce (freshly squeezed)

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- Grease and flour a 8 ½ x 4 ¼ x 2 ½ ínch bakíng pan. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In bowl míx 1 ½ cups flour, salt, and bakíng powder. Set asíde.

2- In another bowl whísk together yogurt, eggs, sugar, lemon zest, oíl and vanílla extract. Slowly míx the wet and dry íngredíents together ínto one bowl.
Blueberry breadblueberry bread

3- Líghtly toss blueberríes ín 1 tablespoon of flour to coat, and fold them gently ínto the batter. Pour the batter ínto your bakíng pan and bake for 50-60 mínutes or untíl done. Stíck a tooth píck ín the loaf and íf ít comes up clean, ít’s done. Whíle the loaf ís bakíng cook 1/3 cup lemon juíce and 1 tablespoon of sugar untíl sugar ís díssolved. Set asíde.

4- When the loaf ís done allow ít to cool for 10-15 mínutes, and place on a coolíng rack. When the loaf ís stíll warm pour the lemon-sugar míxture over ít and allow ít to soak ín. Allow to fully cool.


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