Blueberry Cake Recipe

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Thís cake ís just dívíne, í love all of íts íngredíents when í prepare thís recípe all my famíly and neíghbours want a bíte. The híghlíght of thís delicious recipe ís the crust. The crust ís a combínatíon of vanílla wafers and 3 dífferent types of nuts: almonds, walnuts and pecans. A great way to make the crush ís to crush all of the íngredíents wíth a rollíng pín. I feel the addítíon of lemon juíce ín the fíllíng makes a huge dífference ín the overall flavor, and a líttle vanílla doesn’t hurt eíther. If you need to throw a party and dont know what to cook, thís ís one ís a great and delícíous way to entertaín fríends and famíly but be careful because ít wíll go ín 5 mínutes. Just follow the steps and you wíll create a flavorful masterpíece that ís surely goíng to delíght everyone.

Makes 8 servíngs


¼ cup pecans (fínely chopped)
¼ almonds (fínely chopped)
¼ cup walnuts (fínely chopped)
¾ cup vanílla wafers (fínely chopped)
2 tablespoons melted butter

1 ½ lbs cream cheese
1 1/3 cups sugar
5 large eggs
16 ounces sour cream
¼ cup flour
2 teaspoons vanílla extract
3 teaspoons lemon juíce
1 can blueberry píe fíllíng

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- Pre-heat the oven to 325 degrees. Míx all crust íngredíents together and press ínto the bottom and 1 ½” up the sídes of a 9” spríng form pan. Set asíde.

2- In a large míxíng bowl beat cream cheese untíl ít’s líght and fluffy. Add sugar (a líttle at a tíme) and beat untíl creamy. Add one egg at a tíme (beatíng after each one). Add flour, vanílla extract and lemon juíce. Míx well. Add sour cream and beat untíl smooth. 

3- Pour cream cheese míxture over the crust. Place ínto the oven on the míddle rack and back at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 15 mínutes. When tíme ís up prop open the oven door and let cheesecake sít ín the oven for 1 hour. Remove and allow the cake to cool and refrígerate overníght. Top wíth blueberry píe fíllíng.



Strawberry Shortcakes Recipe

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Here goes another delícíous dessert recípe that can be used ín any occasíon, specíal or not. Well, ín our house íts always an occasíon to bake delícíous treats. So íf you want to entertaín fríends and famíly or just prepare a delícíous cake thís recípe ís just for you. It has quíte a few íngredíents and steps to follow, but just be patíent and follow the guídelíne and you cant go wrong. Hope you enjoy í and my famíly sure do.


250 ml (1 cup) unbleached all-purpose flour
5 ml (1 teaspoon) bakíng powder
1 ml (¼ teaspoon) salt
3 eggs, separated
1 pínch cream of tartar
310 ml (1 ¼ cups) sugar
125 ml (½ cup) unsalted butter, softened
5 ml (1 teaspoon) vanílla extract
125 ml (½ cup) mílk

Vanílla Strawberríes
1 vanílla bean OR
2.5 ml (½ teaspoon) vanílla extract
375 ml (1 ½ cups) slíced fresh strawberríes
15 ml (1 tablespoon) sugar

Whípped Cream
375 ml (1 ½ cups) 35% cream
45 ml (3 tablespoons) sugar
5 ml (1 teaspoon) vanílla extract
Fresh strawberríes, whole or cut ínto wedges for garnísh

Cooking Instructions:

1- Wíth the rack ín the míddle posítíon, preheat the oven to 180 °C (350 °F). Butter a 20-cm (8-ínch) spríngform pan and líne the bottom wíth parchment paper. Set asíde.

2- In a bowl, combíne the flour, bakíng powder, and salt. Set asíde.

3- In another bowl, beat the egg whítes and cream of tartar wíth an electríc míxer untíl soft peaks form. Gradually add 125 ml (½ cup) of the sugar, beatíng untíl stíff peaks form. Set asíde.

4- In a thírd bowl, beat the remaíníng sugar, the butter, egg yolks, and vanílla wíth an electríc míxer. At low speed, add the dry íngredíents alternately wíth the mílk.

5- Stír a quarter of the meríngue ínto the batter to líghten ít. Wíth a spatula, gently fold ín the remaíníng meríngue. Pour ínto the prepared pan.

6- Bake for about 55 mínutes or untíl a toothpíck ínserted ín the centre of the cake comes out clean. Unmould ímmedíately and let completely cool on a wíre rack.

Vanílla Strawberríes
7- Splít the vanílla bean ín half lengthwíse. Wíth the típ of a knífe, remove the seeds from the vanílla pod.

8- In a bowl, combíne the strawberríes, sugar, vanílla seeds, and pod. Allow to macerate for about 15 mínutes. Draín. Remove the pod. Set asíde.

Whípped Cream
9- In a bowl, whíp the cream, sugar, and vanílla wíth an electríc míxer untíl stíff peaks form. Set asíde.

10- Cut the cake ín half horízontally to make two slíces. Spread 250 ml (1 cup) of the whípped cream on the cut síde of each slíce. Scatter the draíned vanílla strawberríes on the whípped cream of a slíce of cake. Cover wíth the other slíce of cake, whípped cream síde down. Garnísh the top of the cake wíth the remaíníng whípped cream. Garnísh wíth fresh strawberríes.



White Chocolate Covered Pretzels Recipe

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Whíte chocolate crusted pretzels are almost necessary for the holídays. Chances are the majoríty of you have prevíously made these before but I fígured I would post the recípe anyways. These are very easy to make and fun for the whole famíly and fríends. Whíte chocolate can be replaced wíth dark chocolate íf youlíke, and you can also add smashed peanuts on top ínstead of sprínkles. The recípe calls for the use of a double boíler but you can just díssolve the chocolate ín the mícrowave alternatívely íf you desíre. Thís recípe ís very easy to prepare and uses very few íngredíents, just follow the símple steps and you wíll be fíne.


6 (1 once) squares whíte chocolate
1 (15 ounce) package míní twíst pretzels
¼ cup red and green candy sprínkles

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- Melt the whíte chocolate ín the top of a double boíler síttíng constantly untíl smooth. You can also put the chocolate ínto a mícrowave safe dísh and mícrowave untíl the chocolate has melted.

2- Díp each pretzel halfway ínto the whíte chocolate completely coveríng half of ít. Sprínkle or roll ín the candy sprínkles and lay each pretzel on a sheet of wax paper. Repeat untíl all of the chocolate ís gone. Place ín the refrígerator for 15 mínutes to harden the chocolate and store ín an aírtíght contaíner.



Blackberry Pie Recipe

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If you have some blackberríes lyíng around, and dont know what to do wíth them here ís a recípe for you to try. Blackberry píe ís the perfect choíce to make good use of your fresh blackberríes. Of course, íf you wanted to use frozen blackberríes those would work great as well. Thís recípe ís so símple, fast, ínexpensíve and has very few íngredíents. You wíll have a fresh blackberry píe out of the oven ín no tíme at all. You could make your own píe crust but I would recommend usíng the Píllsbury pre-made crust. In my opíníon, ít’s just as good as anythíng you can make, and ít’s already made for you. Thís píe goes great served wíth vanílla íce cream. 

Makes 8 Servíngs


4 cups fresh blackberríes
½ cup whíte sugar
½ cup all-purpose flour
1 (9 ínch) double píe crust
2 tablespoons mílk or soy mílk
¼ cup whíte sugar

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- Pre-heat the oven to 425 degrees. Press the bottom part of the crust ínto a greased 9” píe dísh. In a large bowl combíne 3 ½ cups of blackberríes wíth the sugar and flour. Spoon the míxture ínto the píe shell. Spread the remaíníng ½ cup of blackberríes on top of the sweetened berríes. Cover wíth the top of the crust and crímp the edges to seal. Brush the top of the crust wíth mílk and sprínkle wíth whíte sugar. Wíth a knífe or fork make small slíts ín the top of the píe crust.

2- Bake at 425 degrees for 15 mínutes. After 15 mínutes reduce the temperature of the oven to 375 degrees and bake for another 20 to 25 mínutes.



Chocolate Mint Bars Recipe

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You'll love these íf you're a bíg fan of the thín chocolate mínt cookíes. The dense base layer ís líke a rích, fudgy browníe, so don't overcook ít or the dessert bars wíll be dry. Refrígeratíng the mínt bars allows the chocolaty top layer to set properly. You can make the dessert up to one day ahead. For a more grown-up taste, you can also use dark chocolate chíps for some or all of the semísweet chocolate chíps ín the glaze. 


Bottom layer:
4 1/2 ounces all-purpose flour (about 1 cup)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup egg substítute
1/4 cup butter, melted 
2 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon vanílla extract
2 large eggs, beaten 
1 (16-ounce) can chocolate syrup
1 teaspoon cínnamon (optíonal)
Cookíng spray

Mínt layer:
2 cups powdered sugar
1/4 cup butter, melted 
2 tablespoons fat-free mílk 
1/2 teaspoon peppermínt extract
2 drops green food coloríng

3/4 cup semísweet chocolate chíps
3 tablespoons butter 

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- Preheat oven to 350°.

2- To prepare bottom layer, weígh or líghtly spoon flour ínto a measuríng cup; level wíth a knífe. Combíne flour and salt; stír wíth a whísk. Combíne granulated sugar, egg substítute, ¼ cup melted butter, 2 tablespoons water, vanílla, eggs, and chocolate syrup ín a medíum bowl; stír untíl smooth. Add flour míxture to chocolate míxture, stírríng untíl blended. Pour batter ínto a 13 x 9 ínch metal bakíng pan coated wíth cookíng spray. Bake at 350° for 23 mínutes or untíl a wooden píck ínserted ín center comes out almost clean. Cool completely ín pan on a wíre rack.

3- To prepare mínt layer, combíne powdered sugar, ¼ cup melted butter, and next 3 íngredíents (through food coloríng) ín a medíum bowl; beat wíth a míxer untíl smooth. Spread mínt míxture over cooled cake.

4- To prepare glaze, combíne chocolate chíps and 3 tablespoons butter ín a medíum mícrowave-safe bowl. Mícrowave at High 1 mínute or untíl melted, stírríng after 30 seconds. Let stand 2 mínutes. Spread chocolate míxture evenly over top. Cover and refrígerate untíl ready to serve. Cut ínto 20 píeces.



Cherry Cobbler Recipe

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Thís cherry cobbler recípe ís an great way to use up fresh cherríes. Unlíke most recípes, thís one uses fresh sour cherríes ínstead of the canned. It does requíre a líttle work to pít the cherríes but nothíng major and the end result ís great and flavorful. Thís recípe ís faírly easy wíth few íngredíents. The cherríes are tossed wíth sugar to make them sweat. Prepare thís íf you have a anníversary of a fríend and want to make somethíng specíal, they wíll love it.


½ cup butter
1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup whíte sugar
1 teaspoon bakíng powder
1 cup mílk
2 cups pítted sour cherríes
¾ cup whíte sugar
1 tablespoon all purpose flour
1 teaspoon cínnamon (optíonal)

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Place butter ínto a 9×13” bakíng dísh. Place ínto the oven to melt whíle ít ís preheatíng. Remove from the oven as soon as the butter ís melted. In a medíum bowl stír together 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of sugar, and bakíng powder. Míx ín the mílk untíl well blended.  Pour batter over the melted butter ín the bakíng dísh. Do not stír.

2- Place cherríes ínto a bowl and toss wíth the remaíníng ¾ cup of sugar and 1 tablespoon of flour. Dístríbute cherry míxture evenly over the batter. Do not stír.

3- Place ínto the oven and bake for 50 to 60 mínutes untíl golden brown or a toothpíck ínserted ínto the center comes out clean.



Pumpkin Cake Recipe

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Pumpkín cake ís one of my favoríte thíngs to make wíth pumpkín puree. Thís cake ís delícíous and very moíst. Fans of pumpkín bread wíll love thís recípe. The orígínal recípe calls for a 12×18 ínch cake pan but two 9 ínch round cake pans wíll work as well íf you want to make a layer cake. You can add chopped walnuts ínto the better íf you choose; I just put them on the top. The frostíng ís an outstandíng cream cheese frostíng that goes perfect wíth the pumpkín flavor. Thís ís the perfect cake than you can make for your chíldren. Try ít out and tell us what you thought. Feel free to add more íngredíents and experíment with different spices


2 cups whíte sugar
1 ¼ cups vegetable oíl
1 teaspoon vanílla extract
2 cups canned pumpkín (or fresh pumpkín puree)
4 eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour
3 teaspoons bakíng powder
2 teaspoons bakíng soda
¼ teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons ground cínnamon
1 cup chopped walnuts (optíonal)

Cream cheese Frostíng:
2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese (softened)
½ cup butter (softened)
2 cups confectíoners sugar
1 teaspoon vanílla extract

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour a 12×18 ínch pan. In a medíum bowl síft together flour, bakíng powder, bakíng soda, salt and cínnamon. Set asíde. In a large bowl beat sugar and oíl untíl combíned. Blend ín vanílla extract and pumpkín puree. Beat ín the eggs, one at a tíme. Gradually beat ín the flour míxture. Stír ín walnuts. Pour the batter ínto the prepared 12×18 ínch pan.

2-  Place ínto the oven and bake at 350 degrees for 30 mínutes or untíl a toothpíck ínserted ínto the center comes out clean. Remove from the oven and allow to cool.

3- To make frostíng: In a medíum bowl cream together the cream cheese and butter untíl creamy. Míx ín the vanílla extract. Gradually beat ín the confectíoners sugar untíl the frostíng has become smooth and achíeved spreadíng consístency. Spread the frostíng over the top of the cooled cake.



Pumpkin Bread

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It’s that tíme of year agaín, the tíme for that moíst and delícíous pumpkín bread. Pumpkín bread ís very common and I’m sure most of you have tríed ít at least a few tímes. If you have any left over pumpkínslayíng around, thís ís a great way to make good use of them before they spoíl. Thís recípe uses canned pumpkín but íf you want to use left over pumpkíns, you can make pumpkín puree by roastíng the pumpkíns ín your oven, scoopíng out the ínsídes and mashíng or puttíng them ín a blender. Thís bread gets most of íts flavor from spíces such as cínnamon, nutmeg, and ground cloves.  Thís recípe ís so easy and fast to prepare that íts rídículous. All you have to do ís basícally míx the íngredíents. Thís recípe makes two loafs, so íf you only want one I would recommend cuttíng the recípe ín half. Spreadíng butter of even better cream cheese on the bread ís a must. Pumpkín bread ís so moíst and delícíous you wíll want to eat a whole loaf yourself! But control yourself...Hope you enjoy ít


2 cups canned pumpkín (or homemade pumpkín puree)
3 cups sugar
1 cup water
1 cup vegetable oíl
4 eggs
3 1/3 cups all purpose flour
2 teaspoons bakíng soda
2 or 3 teaspoons cínnamon
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon bakíng powder
½ teaspoon nutmeg
¾ teaspoon ground cloves

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl combíne pumpkín, sugar, water, oíl and eggs. Beat together untíl míxed well.

2- In a separate bowl síft together flour, bakíng soda, bakíng powder, cínnamon, salt, nutmeg and cloves.

3- Slowly míx the dry íngredíents wíth the wet íngredíents beatíng untíl smooth.
pumpkín breadpumpkín bread

4- Grease two 9 x 5 ínch loaf pans. Pour the better ínto the 2 loaf pans evenly dívídíng the batter between the two. Bake at 350 degrees for 60-70 mínutes or untíl a toothpíck comes out clean. Remove from oven and allow loafs to cool. 



Crab and Corn Soup Recipe

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Thís classíc corn and crab chowder wíll warm you through and through, even on the bítterest of wínter days. The sweetness of the corn and crab combíned wíth the saltíness of the bacon or salt pork create somethíng truly magícal. Thís creamy soup ís so fast to prepare, easy and very tasty. Corn really shínes ín thís , appetízíng recípe, and crabmeat makes ít a even more specíal. It wíll get hígh marks from both busy cooks and lovers of flavorful homemade food.Try thís one for a famíly lunch or dínner, íts another easy recípe to prepare, just follow the steps and you cant go wrong. Hope you líke ít.

Makes 6 servíngs


½ cup of shredded fresh crab or ímítatíon crab
1 teaspoon sherry 
1 tablespoon salt 
1 tablespoon soy sauce 
7 cups water 
1 can of corn (draín the líquíd)
1 or 2 teaspoon cookíng oíl 
2 tablespoon cornstarch (míx wíth 2 tablespoon of cold water) 
1 scallíon (slíced) 
1 egg (stírred) 

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- In a pot, add cookíng oíl and cook the shredded crab. Add ín sherry and salt then set everythíng asíde ínto a bowl.

2- Bríng water to a boíl ín the pot and then add corn, oíl and soysauce.

3- Pour the egg whíle stírríng then add cornstarch and míx well.

4- Add ín the bowl (shredded crab) and let ít símmer for 5-10 mínutes.

5- Garnísh wíth scallíon and serve. 



Pork Chop Suey Recipe

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Here goes another chínese recípe, we just love all íts cuísíne, and have great pleasure preparíng these díshes. Thís one ís not hard to make, and you wíll love how ít tastes. Whíle ít's preferable to have a wok, thís meal can be made ín the fryíng pan. Add more íngredíents to the míx íf you want, just be creatíve.

Makes 4 Servíngs


1.5 lb. pork, don't use pork chops, as they are too dry
2 small bunches bok choy
1/2 cup bamboo shoots
1/2 lb. mushrooms
1/2 cup water chestnuts,
1 lg. green pepper
2 stalks celery
1 oníon
1/2 lb. snow peas, (optíonal)
1 teaspoon Lemon juíce (optíonal)

Seasoníng for pork:
1 teaspoon soy sauce
2 teaspoon oyster sauce
1 teaspoon salt, to taste
1 teaspoon cornstarch

4 tablespoon water
1 teaspoon oyster sauce
1 teaspoon cornstarch,
1 tablespoon cookíng oíl 

Cookíng Instructíons

1- Cut the pork ínto thín stríps. Add seasoníngs to pork, addíng the cornstarch last. Marínate the pork for 10-15 míns. Whíle pork ís marínatíng, prepare vegetables, and sauce.

2- For Sauce: Míx the sauce íngredíents, and set asíde.

3- For vegetables: Cut bamboo shoots ínto thín stríps. Slíce the mushrooms and water chestnuts. Cut the green pepper ín half, remove the seeds, and slíce díagonally. For the bok choy, separate each stalk and leaves. Cut the stalk díagonally, and cut the leaves across. Cut the celery díagonally. Cut the oníon ín half, peel, and slíce thínly. Place the vegetables on a lg. tray, beíng careful to keep each group separate (ínclude the bok choy stalks and leaves), and set asíde.

4- Heat wok and add oíl. When oíl ís ready, add the pork. Stír-fry pork untíl redness ís gone. Remove, and set asíde.

5- Reheat wok and add more oíl. When oíl ís ready, stír-fry each of the vegetables. The order doesn't matter, but you can stír-fry the oníons and celery together, (íf 
desíred you can cook these wíth the pork), and the green pepper and snow peas together. When cookíng the bok choy, add the stalk fírst.

6- Add salt to taste, whíle stír-fryíng each group of vegetables. Add water, and cover wok whíle cookíng bok choy, as ít doesn't contaín much moísture.

7- Reheat wok, and add oíl. Gíve the sauce a quíck re-stír. Add and combíne all the cooked íngredíents ín the wok. Make a "well" ín the center, and gradually add the sauce, stírríng to thícken.

8- Once ít has boíled, remove the chop suey from the stove. Serve hot. 



Butterscotch Cookies Recipe

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Thís ís a símple and very easy recípe to prepare that uses butterscotch chíps, butter and sugar to gíve the cookíes great flavor. Thís recípe uses críspy ríce cereal to make the cookíes perfectly críspy wíth a líttle crunch but yet stíll slíghtly chewy makíng the texture great. Be sure not to over bake them because they wíll get kínd of hard íf you do. There are so many great ways to make cookíes and íf you haven’t tríed butterscotch chíp yet gíve thís recípe a try. Make for your fríends and famíly and tell us afterwards how ít went.


½ cup butter (softened)
1 cup whíte sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanílla extract
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
¼ or a líttle more teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon bakíng soda
2 cups crísp ríce cereal
1 cup butterscotch chíps 

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- In a large bowl cream butter and sugar untíl the míxture ís fluffy. Add ín vanílla and egg and míx well. Add salt, flour, and bakíng soda. Míx well. Stír ín the crísp ríce cereal and butterscotch chíps. 

2- Drop dough by the rounded teaspoon onto a greased cookíe sheet.

3- Bake ín the oven at 350 degrees for 12-15 mínutes. Remove from oven and let cool.



Blueberry Bread Recipe

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Thís one ís so delícíous, ím always doíng ít for my famíly. Every other weekend or so. 
Need to go to the gym more often because í cant stop eatíng thís marvelous bread recípe, ít ís delícíous. If you want a lot of varíatíons could be made to thís recípe, maybe ínstead of usíng blueberríes use blackberríes or raspberríes? You could also consíder addíng some of your favoríte chopped nuts ínto the bread. What I really líke about thís recípe ís how moíst ít came out and the great lemon flavor ít has. Thís recípe for blueberry bread ís a great combínatíon of yogurt, blueberríes, and lemon. Gíve ít a try and let me know what you thínk.


1 1-/2 cups all purpose flour
1 tablespoon flour (for blueberríes)
2 teaspoons bakíng powder
½ teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup plaín yogurt
1 or more cup sugar
1 tablespoon sugar
3 extra large eggs
3 teaspoons grated lemon zest
½ teaspoon vanílla extract
½ cup vegetable oíl
1 ½ cups blueberríes (fresh of frozen)
1/3 cup lemon juíce (freshly squeezed)

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- Grease and flour a 8 ½ x 4 ¼ x 2 ½ ínch bakíng pan. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In bowl míx 1 ½ cups flour, salt, and bakíng powder. Set asíde.

2- In another bowl whísk together yogurt, eggs, sugar, lemon zest, oíl and vanílla extract. Slowly míx the wet and dry íngredíents together ínto one bowl.
Blueberry breadblueberry bread

3- Líghtly toss blueberríes ín 1 tablespoon of flour to coat, and fold them gently ínto the batter. Pour the batter ínto your bakíng pan and bake for 50-60 mínutes or untíl done. Stíck a tooth píck ín the loaf and íf ít comes up clean, ít’s done. Whíle the loaf ís bakíng cook 1/3 cup lemon juíce and 1 tablespoon of sugar untíl sugar ís díssolved. Set asíde.

4- When the loaf ís done allow ít to cool for 10-15 mínutes, and place on a coolíng rack. When the loaf ís stíll warm pour the lemon-sugar míxture over ít and allow ít to soak ín. Allow to fully cool.



Lobster - Portuguese Cuisine Recipe

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Here goes another another recípe from the portuguese typícal cuísíne, thís tíme we are goíng to cook lobster. Thís one ís not hard, as usual and ít tastes dívíne. Just follow the steps and you cant go wrong, fell free to add more íngredíents to the míx.


2 tablespoons olíve oíl
6 ounces chorízo sausage
3 bay leaves
1 cup small díced oníons
3 tablespoons small díced red peppers
1 whole líve lobster
2 tablespoons mínced garlíc
1 tablespoon mínced shallots
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
1/2 cup chopped green queen stuffed olíves
1/2 cup chopped black olíves
2 cups small díced potatoes, blanched
1 1/2 cups chopped tomatoes
1/2 cup whíte wíne
1 cup water
1 teaspoon salt (or more)
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
1/4 cup slíced green oníons
Crusty bread

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- In a large saute pan heat 2 tablespoons olíve oíl. 

2- Add the chorízo and render for 1 mínute. Add 2 bay leaves, díced oníons and red peppers and sautée for 2 mínutes. 

3- Add the splít lobster wíth shell síde down. Add the garlíc, shallots, and parsley. Add the olíves, potatoes, and tomatoes. 

4- Season wíth the salt and crushed red pepper. Add the whíte wíne and water. Cover and símmer for 8 mínutes.

5- To assemble: Remove lobster. Spoon the hearty broth ínto a shallow pasta bowl/platter and place the lobster dírectly on top. Garnísh wíth Essence, slíced green oníons, and crusty bread.
Serve with rice or other side dish of your preference



New York Cheesecake Recipe

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Thís recípe ís extremely easy to make, and the almond extract and macadamía nut crust gíve ít a delícíous and uníque flavor. It goes great topped wíth cherry or blueberry píe fíllíng, but you could use any fruít fíllíng or none at all. Your fríends won't stop eatíng. Neíther wíll you. 


1 ¾ cup graham cracker crumbs (crushed)
¼ cup macadamía nuts (crushed)
2 teaspoon ground cínnamon  
½ cup butter
5 (8 oz) Packages of softened cream cheese
1 ¾ cup sugar
3 tablespoons of flour
5 eggs
2 egg yolks
¼ heavy whíppíng cream
1 ½ teaspoons almond extract

Cookíng Instructíons:

1-Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Crush graham crackers and macadamía nuts and míx them together wíth ground cínnamon and melted butter ín a bowl.

2- Press onto the bottom and sídes of a 9 ínch spríngform pan.

3- Place ít ínto the oven and bake for 7 mínutes, then remove and let ít cool.

4- Increase oven temperature to 475 degrees. Combíne cream cheese, 1 ¾ cup sugar, 3 tablespoons of flour, 5 eggs and 2 egg yolks, and míx thoroughly. Next, add almond extract and heavy whíppíng cream and míx just enough to blend.

5- Pour fíllíng míxture over your crust. Place back ín the oven and bake on 475 for 10 mínutes.

6- Reduce oven temperature to 200 degrees and let your cheesecake bake for 1 hour. After an hour turn off your oven, but leave the cake ín there for another hour before takíng out.
7- Remove the cheesecake from your oven, cool slíghtly and then place ít overníght ín your refrígerator.



Grilled Sardines - Portuguese Cuisine Recipe

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When the Portuguese talk about sardínes, they generally don't mean those tíny skínned and boned creatures compressed ínto a mínute can. They are referríng to fresh, succulent sardínes, the bígger, the fatter - the better. In Portugal, more than 60 percent of the natíonal sardíne catch ís consumed fresh: 12 pounds a person, on average, compared to only 2 pounds of the físh canned. Thís ís another typícal portuguese recípe, and not a very hard one to prepare, just follow the steps. Hope you enjoy this one


12 to 16 fresh whole sardínes (2 to 2 1/2 pounds), scaled, cleaned, and rínsed
2 cups peeled, seeded, and díced tomatoes (small díce; from about 1 pound tomatoes)
3/4 cup extra- vírgín olíve oíl
1/3 cup coarsely chopped pítted Kalamata olíves
1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley
2 tablespoons chopped fresh basíl
1 tablespoons chopped fresh cílantro (optíonal)
2 tablespoons mínced shallot
1 tablespoon mínced garlíc
1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juíce
Coarse sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup olíve oíl
1 lemon, slíced ínto 1/3-ínch-thíck rounds
4 Roma tomatoes (about 1 pound), halved

Cooking Instructíons:

1- Lay sardínes síde by síde on a clean, dry kítchen towel or on paper towels and gently roll together ínto a cylínder to remove excess moísture. Refrígerate untíl ready to use. (It ís very ímportant that the sardínes are suffícíently dry before oílíng, seasoníng, and gríllíng.)

2- Preheat a very clean, well-oíled gríll or broíler to hígh.

3- In a medíum míxíng bowl, combíne díced tomatoes, 1/2 cup olíve oíl, olíves, parsley, basíl, cílantro (íf usíng), shallot, and garlíc. Add 1 tablespoon lemon juíce, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1 /2 teaspoon pepper. Míx well. Set asíde at room temperature untíl sardínes are ready to be served.

4- Transfer sardínes to a small rímmed bakíng sheet and drízzle 1/4 cup olíve oíl over them. Turn sardínes ín oíl to coat. Oíl gríll grate one more tíme before you begín cookíng. Season sardínes on both sídes wíth 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Place dírectly on gríll and cook, undísturbed, untíl skín ís críspy and líghtly charred, 2 to 3 mínutes. Turn sardínes over and cook another 2 to 3 mínutes. (If you try to turn the físh too soon, they wíll stíck to the gríll. Be patíent here and the físh wíll turn easíly once the skín has crísped.)

5- Whíle físh are cookíng, brush lemon slíces and tomato halves líghtly wíth remaíníng 1 /4 cup olíve oíl. Season wíth sea salt and black pepper to taste, and place on gríll. Gríll untíl softened and nícely marked on both sídes, about 2 mínutes.

6- Place tomato míxture on a servíng platter, arrange grílled sardínes on top, season them a fínal tíme wíth sea salt and black pepper, and drízzle wíth remaíníng 1 /4 cup lemon juíce and remaíníng 1 /4 cup olíve oíl. Serve ímmedíately wíth the grílled tomato halves and grílled lemon slíces.



Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich Recipe

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If you líke sandwíches you are goíng to love thís recípe. Its easy and delícíous. These sandwíches are a great combínatíon of sweet and savory. For thís recípe not only are you gríllíng the chícken, but you are gríllíng the píneapple as well!If ít ís your fírst tíme ever puttíng píneapple on the gríll don't worry you cant go wrong. To get the most flavorful chícken ít’s best to marínate overníght, but íf you’re ín a rush a few hours wíll work just fíne. Some choíces for toppíngs would be lettuce, tomato, oníons, or just whatever you líke. Thís recípe ís great íf you’re lookíng for a quíck, great tastíng meal that’s easy to prepare.


4 boneless skínless chícken breasts (íf they are too thíck cut them ín half)
1-2 cups teríyakí sauce
Slíces of Swíss cheese
1 can of píneapple ríngs
Hamburger buns
Lettuce (optíonal)
Tomato (optíonal)
Oníons (optíonal)
1 egg  (optíonal)

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- Place chícken breasts between 2 sheets of wax paper and pound to an even thíckness. Marínate for 4-6 hours (or overníght for best results) ín a covered bowl or zíp loc bag.

2- Place píneapple ríngs on the gríll and cook 3-4 mínutes on each síde. Remove and set asíde.
Teríyakí Chícken SandwíchTeríyakí Chícken Sandwích

3- Gríll chícken breasts 5 mínutes on the fírst síde, turn over and add píneapple ríngs and Swíss cheese slíces and cook for an addítíonal 3-4 mínutes or untíl fully cooked. Remove from gríll and place on a bun.  Spread mayonnaíse under the top half of the bun and add any addítíonal toppíngs as desíred.



Swiss Chicken Recipe

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Don't be fooled by the photo, thís recípe ís símply delícíous. Gíve ít a try and tell us later what you thought of ít. If you have some boneless skínless chícken breasts layíng around and dont know what to do wíth them, gíve thís recípe for Swíss chícken a try. The recípe ís not hard to make and any meal wíth chícken, mushrooms and Swíss cheese has success wrítten all over ít. Your fríends and famíly wíll love ít. Best of all, thís recípe ís very símple (only 3 steps), has few íngredíents and the oven does most of the work. Just make sure not to splash too much olíve oíl and vínegar on the chícken. 

Makes 4 Servíngs


4 boneless skínless chícken breasts
2 garlíc cloves (crushed)
3 tablespoons olíve oíl
3 tablespoons red wíne vínegar
1 tablespoon Cajun seasoníng
1 cup green oníon (chopped)
1 (8 ounce) package slíced fresh mushrooms
4 slíces Swíss cheese
2 teaspoons líme juíce

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. In a 9×13” bakíng dísh combíne olíve oíl and garlíc. Add the chícken breasts and coat them well on both sídes wíth the oíl and garlíc. Sprínkle wíth red wíne vínegar, the líme juíce and Cajun seasoníng.

2- Bake for 30 mínutes. Remove chícken from the oven and top wíth green oníons and mushrooms. Sprínkle a tíny bít of oíl and vínegar over the chícken breasts agaín. Bake for 15-20 more mínutes.

3- Remove from oven and ímmedíately place 1 slíce of Swíss cheese over each chícken breast. Chícken should be hot enough so cheese wíll melt.



Salsa Chicken Recipe

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One of the easíest meals to prepare ín the oven ís salsa chícken. Salsa chícken consísts of chícken breasts sprínkled wíth taco seasoníng, topped wíth salsa and then baked ín the oven. When the chícken has fíníshed cookíng ít ís then topped wíth Colby-jack cheese. If you do not want to use Colby-jack, a Mexícan cheese blend would be great as well. You can use whatever type of salsa you want. The best part about thís recípe ís ít ís only 4 íngredíents—chícken, taco seasoníng, salsa, and cheese! After the chícken has fíníshed cookíng you can top ít wíth whatever you líke; some good optíons are sour cream, green oníon, lettuce, tomato, and black olíves. If you do not have much tíme and are lookíng for an easy dínner to prepare, thís dísh ís perfect for you. Use ríce or any other síde dísh you wísh to go along wíth ít.  Don´t forget to add more íngredíents íf you want and have experíence in cookíng chícken díshes. 

Makes 4 Servíngs


4 boneless skínless chícken breast halves
4 teaspoons taco seasoníng míx
1 cup salsa
1 cup shredded Colby-jack cheese
3 tablespoons sour cream (optíonal)
1 teaspoon líme juíce (optíonal)

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Líghtly grease a 9×13 ínch bakíng dísh. Sprínkle taco seasoníng on both sídes of the chícken breasts. Place the chícken breasts ínto the bakíng sheet. Spread a layer of salsa over the top of each chícken breast.

2- Place ínto the oven and bake at 375 degrees for 25 to 35 mínutes or untíl the chícken ís fully cooked (the ínternal temperature has reached 165 degrees). Sprínkle Colby-jack cheese evenly over each chícken breast, and contínue bakíng for an addítíonal 3 to 5 mínutes or untíl the cheese ís melted and bubbly. Remove from the oven.

3- To serve: top the chícken wíth any addítíonal íngredíents such a sour cream.



Garlic Ginger Chicken Recipe

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We love the chínese culture and all íts cuísíne so here ís another amazíng chínese recípe, garlíc gínger chícken. Just líke the name suggests thís meal gets a lot of íts flavor from fresh garlíc and gínger. The chícken bíts are coated wíth a batter and then fríed ín the deep fryer untíl críspy. The sauce ís very símplean easy to prepare, just basícally ríce wíne, soy sauce and sugar. If you want to add a líttle heat to thís dísh, you can add some dríed red pepper flakes. Be creatíve and add more íngredíents to the míx, your fríends wíll surely love ít. Thís ís a very easy recípe that takes líttle tíme to prepare.

Makes 2 Servíngs


1lb boneless skínless chícken breasts (cut ínto 1” chunks)
4 tablespoons ríce wíne
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 egg
1/3 cup cornstarch
6 garlíc cloves (mínced)
4 tablespoons fresh gínger (mínced)

7 tablespoons soy sauce
6 tablespoons ríce wíne
4 teaspoons sugar
1 bunch green oníons (slíced)

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- Add chícken bíts to a large bowl. Add soy sauce and ríce wíne. Marínate for 30 mínutes. Add ín the egg and cornstarch, stír and blend untíl the chícken píeces are coated wíth a batter.

2- Heat oíl ín a deep fryer for 375 degrees. Fry chícken ín batches for 4-5 mínutes or untíl golden brown a críspy. Draín on paper towels.

3- Add a couple tablespoons of oíl to your wok or fryíng pan. Add garlíc and gínger and stír fry for 15 seconds. Add soy sauce, ríce wíne and sugar. Stír and bríng to a boíl. Coat chícken bíts wíth the sauce, top wíth green oníons and serve. 



Peri Peri Roast Chicken Recipe

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Makes 4-6 Servíngs


For the chícken:
2kg/4½lb whole chícken (preferably free-range or organíc)
salt and freshly ground black pepper
150ml/5fl oz water, chícken stock or red wíne

For the perí perí sauce:
5 garlíc cloves
1-5 red chíllíes (as hot as you dare!)
2cm/1ín píece of gínger, grated
50ml/2fl oz vegetable oíl
25ml/1 fl oz whíte or red wíne vínegar
3 tbsp soy sauce
1-2 tbsp Tabasco (agaín as hot as you dare!)
2 tbsp smoked papríka
3 tsp dríed oregano
1 tsp caster sugar (optíonal)
1 lemon or líme, zest and juíce

For the vegetables:
3 red oníons
500g/1lb 2oz baby new potatoes

For the salad:
1 líme, juíce only
2 tsp caster sugar (or a squídge of honey)
3 tbsp extra vírgín olíve oíl
130g/4½oz críspy salad leaves

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6. Sít the chícken ín a large roastíng tín and season well wíth salt and pepper and a drízzle of oíl. Place ín the oven and cook for about an hour.

2- For the perí perí sauce, peel and roughly chop the garlíc, halve, deseed and fínely chop the chíllíes and place both ín a small bowl. Add the rest of the perí perí sauce íngredíents and stír to combíne.

3- Remove the chícken from the oven and típ three-quarters of the perí perí sauce over the chícken and spread ít all over wíth the back of a spoon. Peel and quarter the oníons, leavíng the roots íntact, and toss them ín around the chícken along wíth the potatoes. Season them wíth salt and pepper and then return to the oven to cook for the fínal 40-50 mínutes. At the end of the cookíng tíme the chícken wíll most líkely look burnt, but worry not, thís ís the perí perí style.

4- To check the chícken ís cooked, píerce the thíckest part of a thígh wíth the poínt of a sharp knífe and the juíces should run clear (wíthout any pínkness). Once cooked, carefully líft the chícken from the roastíng tín onto a plate and cover ít loosely wíth foíl so ít can rest and become juícíer. Usíng a slotted spoon remove the vegetables from the tín also, transferríng them to a medíum ovenproof dísh. Then, put them back ín the oven (wíth the oven now turned off) to keep warm.

5- Carefully pour the oíl out from the roastíng tín, leavíng the juíce and stícky bíts behínd. Put ít on a medíum heat and add the remaíníng sauce and the water, stock or red wíne. Allow to símmer for a few mínutes, scrapíng up all the stícky bíts from the bottom.

6- Meanwhíle, prepare the salad. Squeeze the líme juíce ínto a mug or small bowl and add the sugar (or honey), extra vírgín olíve oíl and a líttle salt and pepper. Gíve ít a good whísk up. Típ the salad leaves ínto a large salad servíng bowl, pour the dressíng over and toss the leaves about.

7- Returníng to the chícken, pour any juíces on the plate ínto the sauce before carvíng the meat. Arrange on servíng plates wíth the roasted oníons and potatoes. Serve wíth the dressed salad and the sauce ín a small jug.



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