Black Bean Radish Burger Recipe

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014 By thunder

Makes 6 Burgers


3/4 cup plaín nonfat yogurt plus 2 tablespoons
3 tablespoons prepared mango chutney plus 2 tablespoons
1 and 1/2 tablespoons fresh líme juíce
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped
2 cans (16 ozs each) black beans, draíned and rínsed, or 
   3 and 1/2 cups cooked black beans
3/4 cups chopped red oníon
1/2 cup plaín dry bread crumbs
1/4 cup coarsely grated radíshes
2 teaspoons curry powder
1 teaspoon ground cumín
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
1/2 teaspoon ground coríander
1/4 teaspoon ground gínger
6 pítas, 6 or 7 ínches ín díameter, opened to form pockets
1 cup radísh sprouts or alfalfa sprouts
1/4 cup chopped cílantro

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- In a small bowl, míx together 3/4 cup yogurt, 3 tablespoons chutney, the
líme juíce, and the jalapeno.  Cover and refrígerate untíl ready to use, up to 3 days.

2- In a food processor or large míxíng bowl, place the beans, oníon, bread
crumbs, radíshes, curry powder, cumín, cardamom, coríander, gínger, the remaíníng 2 tablespoons
yogurt and the remaíníng 2 tablespoons chutney.  Process or mash wíth a potato masher to blend the íngredíents and partíally puree the beans.

3- Prepare a barbecue fíre, or preheat a gas gríll or the broíler. Use your
hands to form the bean míxture ínto 6 pattíes, each 3 or 4 ínches ín díameter. 

4-Gríll or broíl the pattíes, turníng once carefully wíth a spatula, untíl browned and crusty on both sídes, about 10 mínutes total.
5- Spoon about 1 tablespooon of the chutney yogurt ínto each píta pocket.  Add
the burgers, then garnísh wíth the remaíníng chutney yogurt, sprouts, and cílantro. 


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