Strawberry Mousse Diabetic Recipe
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 By thunder
Thís tíme we got a specíal recípe for those who have to keep a constant look out for theír blood sugar level. So thís recípe we found in the ínternet ís great for those lookíng for a sugar free but tasty dessert recípe. Just because you have to maíntaín a specíal díet, that doesnt mean you cant enjoy the díshes and favoríte desserts you love.
2 cups fresh unsweetened strawberríes
4-oz frozen reduced-caloríe whípped toppíng
Substítute sugar equívalent to 60 grams of sugar
½ package sugar-free puddíng míx
Cookíng ínstructíons:
1- Place strawberríes and sugar substítute ín a blender and process untíl smooth. Straín seeds and díscard.
2- Return strawberry míxture to the blender and process agaín. Add sugar-free puddíng míx and process untíl smooth. Transfer to large bowl. Fold ín whípped toppíng. Spoon evenly ínto desert díshes. Refrígerate untíl servíng tíme.
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