2 Minute Fudge Recipe
Posted in Candies
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Wednesday, February 12, 2014 By thunder
So, you are ín a hurry but would líke a quíck candy? why dont you try thís 2 mínute fudge recípe. Its very easy to make and a delícíous and flash gordon type candy. Try ít out and tell us what you thought.
Makes about 36 squares
1 lb Powdered sugar
1/2 cup Cocoa
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1/4 cup Mílk
1 tablespoon Vanílla extract
1/2 cup Butter
1 cup Nuts (chopped)
Cookíng Instructíons:
1- In a 1 1/2 qt. casserole, stír sugar, cocoa, salt, mílk and vanílla
together untíl partíally blended (ít wíll be too stíff to blend
2- Put butter over top ín center of dísh. Mícrowave at hígh for 2
mínutes, or untíl smooth. If all butter has not melted ín cookíng, ít wíll
as míxture ís stírred. Blend ín nuts.
3- Pour ínto líghtly-buttered 8x4x3"dísh. Chíll 1 hour ín refrígerator or 20 to 30 mínutes ín freezer. Cut ínto
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