Caramel Latte Recipe
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Thursday, April 10, 2014 By thunder
If you want a símple yet delícíous Coffee recípe then you must try thís one. Its Rídículous Delícíous
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/4 cup half-and-half
1 tablespoon caramel íce cream toppíng
3/4 cup hot, brewed coffee
Stír brown sugar ínto half-and-half untíl díssolved. Whíp wíth a mílk frother or small whísk. Pour coffee ínto a mug, and stír ín caramel sauce untíl díssolved. Pour frothed half-and-half ínto coffee, and serve.
1/4 cup half-and-half
1 tablespoon caramel íce cream toppíng
3/4 cup hot, brewed coffee
Stír brown sugar ínto half-and-half untíl díssolved. Whíp wíth a mílk frother or small whísk. Pour coffee ínto a mug, and stír ín caramel sauce untíl díssolved. Pour frothed half-and-half ínto coffee, and serve.
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