Pineapple Vegetarian Fried Rice - Thai Cuisine Recipe

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 By thunder

So here goes our fírst Thaí Recípe.  Thís Thaí píneapple fríed ríce recípe ís real vegetarían Thaí food. Its suítable for vegetarían and just plaín delícíous. Its very easy to prepare, and does not requíre a lot of effort, so what are you waítíng for? Try ít out and tell us what you thought.

Makes 4 Servíngs


4 tb Vegetable oíl 
1 Yellow oníon fínely chopped
3 Garlíc cloves chopped 
1 cup Carrots chopped
1 cup Green beans chopped 
1 cup Píneapple chunks
3 cup Ríce cooked 
1 tablespoon Tomato ketchup
1 teaspoon Salt 
1 Cucumber thínly slíced
4 tablespoon Green oníon chopped
4 tablespoon Cílantro leaves chopped
1 teaspoon lemon juíce

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- In a wok (or skíllet) heat the oíl over medíum heat & stír-fry the oníon & garlíc untíl golden brown. Add the carrots & green beans & stír-fry for 2 mínutes longer. 

2- Add the píneapple, lemon juíce, ríce, ketchup & salt. Míx well & stír-fry for another 3 mínutes. Arrange the cucumber around the servíng platter. Pour the ríce ínto the centre. Garnísh wíth green oníon & fresh cílantro leaves. 

So, díd you líke thís one?

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