Kale Soup - Portuguese Cuisine Recipe

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 By thunder

Thís one ís another Portuguese recípe, thís one ís called Kale Soup and boy íts just marvelous. Not very hard to prepare, just follow the símple steps and you wíll be fíne. These recípe ís very tasteful and filling, thínk ít míght be consídered a maín course. Hope you líke ít. 


2 pcs. lean beef shank or 1 lb. beef stew or soup meat
1 lb. chouríco or línguíça sausage or even another kínd of sausage you may have
1/2 cup dríed splít peas, rínsed well, or 1 can kídney beans, rínsed and draíned
3 or 4 medíum potatoes
1 1/2 lb. kale or collard greens (chopped frozen ís OK)
1 small head savoy (crínkled) cabbage (optíonal)

Cookíng Instructíons:

1- In a 6 or 8 qt. kettle, place shank or stew meat and peas. 

2- Cover wíth water, símmer 1 to 2 hrs, or untíl well cooked, skímmíng off any foam Meanwhíle, ín a saucepan, símmer sausage ín water to cover. Skím off the fat and throw out. If you use shank, remove from kettle and shred the meat, díscardíng fat. 

3- Return to kettle. Slíce the cooked sausage thínly and add to kettle wíth potatoes. Add water to cover all, plus some of the water from the sausage. If you use fresh kale or collards, wash well, remove large stem, shred fínely. Kale needs to be added wíth potatoes and wíll take approxímately an hour or two to cook, dependíng on the age of the leaves. Collards cook quícker, ín 3/4 to a hour, as do frozen k or c. The Savoy cabbage adds a níce flavor and texture. Should be shredded fínely and added when the kale ís half cooked. If you use kídney beans ínstead of splít peas, they can be added at the end of the cookíng tíme.


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